A man invited his neighbor to a feast. His neighbor hated him, so he ignored the invitation, supposing the man would forget. He did not forget. In fact, he sent his servants with a direct invitation. The neighbor beat the servants. When the man got word he sent his own son with a personal invitation to the neighbor. The neighbor was so full of rage he killed the son. What do you think? Will this neighbor go unpunished, or will he, and his decendents, pay for this crime?
Jesus is the Son! To this day the Jewish descendants of Abraham have suffered for rejecting Jesus, their Messiah. If God, the Father, is willing to do this to His closest neighbors, for the sin against His Son, what do you think will come of the foreigners who also reject His Son? They will burn in The Eternal Lake of Fire! God, the Father, will pour out His full Cup of Wrath on those who reject His Son's invitation to the Feast of Heaven!
Two men took a journey. One was talking so much that his companion became very irritated. The quiet man suggested that the other person walk behind him. The talker agreed but now he was shouting. The quiet man was so upset that he turned and threatened the man who was shouting. "I'm shouting because you are not listening,'" replied the talker. This infuriated the quiet man so he grabbed the man and crucified him.
The talker is Jesus, but you are not listening... yet!
Oh yes, He is the Beginning & the End! He is YOUR beginning & YOUR end! I told you God has many titles. Each one is a revelation. Time is a concept conceived by God. Before He created you He created time. Thus He is Alpha & Omega. A simple explanation will suffice. Eternity is the realm of God. Think of it as an ever expanding circle, like the universe. Time, however, is a continuum, with a BEGINNING, MIDDLE & END! God is the Author of time. He has the right to claim authorship. I drive a Ford. Henry Ford, and his descendants, have the right to use their name on their cars. Period. The interesting thing is found in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 1:10: "I was in the Spirit on THE LORD'S DAY, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet..."
Interestingly, "The Lord's Day" has not come yet, however John was there in the spirit. That means we Christians, Born Again, will see John on "the Lord's Day," just as he appeared in Revelation. It is a mystery, but God is eternal, and time is only a curtain.
What SEEMS complicated to you a child can understand. Not that you are stupid, the opposite. You are too smart for your own good! You think God is a brain? Adam understood these things, but they were lost in the Fall. Jesus is referred to as the second Adam, we don't need a third. To be the second means he is the substitute for the first. This means the first did not do his job, so he was fired. The second took his place by default. It was not the original intention, but the only solution for redemption. God holds Himself, and Jinn knows it, to the highest standard of integrity. To ransom man He had to do so as a man. The ransom price? A life for a life. Jinn Master thought it was check mate. Wrong. A sinless man, like the first Adam before the Fall, had the legal right to redeem mankind. God, Emmanuel, became a man. You should love the Jews, if only for this reason!