RE: The Jinn
I credit you with coming forth with this information, but the info is damning in my opinion. Since when is truth a matter of perspective? Honestly you seemed apologetic in your last letter. It sounded like you were saying, "I don't expect you to believe this because this is Muslim perspective."
Now you understand our difference. It is not so much the deity & salvation of Christ, which I believe in, but you are selective about truth, especially apparent on this Jinn topic. How can you aspire to Casper the Friendly Ghost? Leave that to Hollywood? There are no "friendly" ghosts! How foolish. If I said those things to you, you would never concede, "OK, Christian perspective."
In fact, you mock Jesus when you deny His deity, while claiming to honor Him. Don't you get it? Either you are blind, stubborn, or so resentful of Abraham's other offspring, Jacob, that you do not fathom this reality. What do YOU have to loss believing Jesus is Savior & Lord of all? Oh, I see now, the answer is... EVERYTHING!
So then, in order to gain God's approval you must forfeit your own. Rejection is painful, but Jesus endured the rejection of the Cross by looking forward to the reward. Eternal life is based on sacrifice, dying to "self " & living to Christ. But Jesus set the example as a servant's servant; therefore, no sacrifice is too great for the true Messiah.
Hey, Christians really love the Jews, & you know it, but we also know they don't always love us, save our tourism dollars & Defense Equipment. Why do we keep loving them? They were God's oracles until the time of Jesus. We can not deny them their just honor, even though they deny their Savior. The Jews, like you, see their mission through a jingoistic filter, much like Judas the betrayer. So they have historically built walls, and God keeps tearing them down. God can tear down your walls too, but He can also rebuild them...look at Israel today!
the world still needs Jesus, not mere religion, or scholarly teaching. Jesus didn't have one known scholar among the twelve disciples. He is seeking a people, from among every nation, who embody Abraham's faith! Hey, we were all slaves like Hagar. We were all cast aways. Ishmael was Abraham's attempt to "HELP" God. Cain's sacrifice was the same; self serving, self promoting. In a jealous rage he killed his brother Abel, but Abel's blood cries out to this day, and God has avenged him.
Humanism is a killer. It says'"Your religion is as good as mine!" Only Jesus is good, not you, not me, not Mohammed! The Jinn motivate these radical suicide bombers, and they leave a curse behind for their wives & children. The Jinn want you to respect them, but I will do no such thing. They want you in the dark, because they are afraid of the light, & truth is light. The Jinn can not be appeased. They will use you & Islam as a tool for world domination. When they achieve their goal, they will abandon you a make you worship demons in the end, like Mohammed did in the beginnAing.
Think on these things!
Your friend & mentor, if you are willing,
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