I know I could never beat your wit & knowledge. In the end you would crush me with your intelligence, however, my experience in this matters is my guide, and that satisfies me. I was an agnostic Catholic. I didn't really believe in Jesus. If He didn't visit me in my pew on Palm Sunday March 19, 1978, I would not be having this conversation with you. Even Christians get it wrong...often. We are supposed to be "the light," and in the end, very often, we repel others.
Whatever wisdom I have is born of the grace of God. Perhaps you see a difference in my words than in the others? This is a result, not so much of study, but of humility. I tell God I know so little, & what I do know is a limited reality. It is from this position of utter dependence that He begins to pour out His wisdom on me. You can not measure, analyze, or compare this to anything related to religion. It is based on a relationship with the Living God. Religion is man's attempt to define God. God does not fit in a box called religion.
Having said this I want to "turn the coin over" and mention that God has no problem revealing Himself to mankind. He is more like us than we admit. He has emotions. He is also holy. We are not. I have much to say about this, but to sum it up, Jesus restores the relationship that was never meant to be broken between God & man.
You may say I have heard this all before, but don't assume you know the truth, rather, admit you are a seeker, & only then will you find what you are looking for. My first "true" prayer to Jesus went like this, "Jesus, I don't believe in You, but I will go to Mass & listen to the words of the priest." Today, I am not officially Catholic, but on March 19, '78 I was born again.
Stephen, in the Book of Acts, was so convincing that they stoned him. Jesus was so convincing that they crucified Him. Things are not what they appear to be. What looks strong is actually weak to God, & what looks weak is literally strong to God. He even ordained preaching, a very foolish communicative tool, as the main delivery system for the Good News of salvation. I suppose what I am trying to say to you is , "the way up is down, the first shall be last, the greatest among you shall be a servant of all." Yes, it is an "Upside Down Kingdom" we serve. You have to change your perspective to see it clearly.
More than a verb,
More than a noun,
Look for the Lord
Where love can be found!
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