Jhn 3:12 I have spoken to you of earthly things & you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?
Jhn 8:40 You are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.
Jhn 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing...
Mat 13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
Hypothesis - A tentative proposal that aims to solve a problem or explain...The hypothesis must be stated in testable form.
Malachi 3:10 Prove me right now, says the LORD of hosts...
Rev 1:19 Write the things which you have seen,
Psa 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD [is] good
Jhn 8:55 & if I should say, I know Him not, I shall be a liar like you: but I know Him,
Matt 8:4 Then Jesus said to him, "See that you don't tell anyone. But go, show yourself to the priests.
I am not arguing, I am interpreting your text. Clarify! You assume a person can have faith in "anything." That isn't scientific, spiritual, or philosophical. It's just Oz!
Actually I am tripping on your "chip," the one that fell from your shoulder. Why are you so skeptical? Also, I didn't compliment you. Your mission is not obvious, but you do make interesting videos with some degree of quality.
Revealed? There is your school of opinion, but then there are scientists. :-(
rationalmuscle questions "The god of Earth, Satan, orchestrated the crucifixion."
We are both right! God ordained the crucifixion but Satan orchestrated it. The purpose of the Cross is to demonstrate God's utter contempt for sin. Judas became Satan's pawn when he betrayed Jesus, but Satan was the actual pawn. Satan would have avoided tempting Judas had he known the outcome... Christ's Resurrection, the forfeiture of the Keys of Death, Hell & The Grave, & Satan's absolute defeat!
oz: I'm not following your argument here. I am not judging anyone. I'm just pointing out that religious faith and scientific assumption are two very different things.
"NOTHING learned that isn't revealed!" You mean revealed by God? Huh? Scientific theory was not revealed by God. It was "revealed" by people applying the scientific method.
You contradict yourself with circular reasoning.
1. "Faith involves assumption" No, hypothesis involves assumption! No, faith involvles assumption!
Who is judging? Assuming you assume I am assuming, you must assume I know you are...judging.
2. Humility: NOTHING learned that isn't revealed!
3. There are scientists & those who want to be. If only logic was his guide we would still be in the Dark Ages.
Are you ready to be considered crazy till you are proven sane?
Stick with the definition & you will see that faith is supported by fact only, not unlike the process of scientific discovery. There is only one set of facts, not a plethora. Truth is not subjective. If you prostitute truth with such reasoning than you're science is flawed as well.
I don't follow quack religion any more than you follow quack science. For one who is so grounded in the evidence, you should know that "rational" is not the issue. Besides, the end of research is truth!
Hebrews 11:1,3 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
PS Even God used faith to frame the world, just like you would use nails to frame a building! We are created in His image to use faith similarily! Thus, DISCOVERY!
Oz: "faith is the ... EVIDENCE of things not seen."
Since a person can have "faith" in any concept (FSM, Pink Unicorn) it can be taken as evidence of anything (UFOs, Bigfoot, Elvis lives). As such it has no rational value. Faith is a conclusion unsupported by evidence (else it wouldn't be faith). Ask a fundie what evidence would cause them to give up their faith and they'll answer "none."
Closing Comment:
"To be or not to be... " & you are still confused which to choose? The Bible provides all the answers no other book provides; where I came from, why I am here, & where I am going! Watch "Lord of the Rings" again! Also, The Matrix. These movies are parables like Jesus told, but they reveal truth, which is not hearsay, myth, or conjecture.
I may not be as smart as you, but I am not as dumb as you either.
There is no sin in asking questions. That is how children learn. Scientists are merely grown up children! Don't be so proud of yourself. Everyone is curious, but not everyone is right!
The more you know the less you know!
You say, "Hypothesis doesn't involve faith..."
I say you haven't thought it through. You are only mimicking some one else's idea.
If you really understood faith you would know that evidence is the root of faith. The scientific process involves getting to the root of the facts. You have to believe it is worth digging to find the root. I like gardens. Look for my video and you'll know why.
Hypothesis involves faith... you first pose or approach a question. Then, you propose... etc.
If you analyze the grammatical,& poetic structure of the Bible you would easily deduce that morons, & idiots could not have written the Bible.
Did you call your parents "retards" when you discovered there wasn't a Santa Claus? You haven't "discovered" there isn't a Jesus, so don't be so cocky!
Also, be careful not to insult people with special needs, ...and special hearts. If you had their heart you wouldn't insult them.
middlekk: Morons and idiots didn't write the bible.
Morons and idiots continue believe in the literal telling of stories that were OBVIOUSLY never meant to be taken as such.
The ToB story is OBVIOUSLY a "just so" myth. Who doesn't know this? Only someone without the intellectual capacity to tell the difference between history and fairy story.
Just because it doesn't start with "once upon a time" that doesn't make it real.
fallencrescent: Hypothesis doesn't involve faith... you first pose or approach a question. Then, you propose a possible explanation or hypothesis that might satisfy the question. Next, you look for evidence to support or refute this hypothesis. Then, either adjust the hypothesis or throw it out if evidence does not support the original testable potential explanation. The scientific process never requires you to have faith in anything just curiosity, ideas, and a method of testing these ideas.
OK! genius. Let's quote your book. Oh, you haven't written one! But if you did, what would be the first chapter? Perhaps, "How Babel Made ME a Moron, Retard & An Idiot.."
As for me, I know the Bible has only helped me in life. Why is Babel not plausible to you? I think your brain is getting in the way of your heart.
I'll guess your age: Judging from the 1ST insult, "moron," you're @ 40 yrs old; the 2ND, "idiot;" 30; 3RD, "retards," 20, & the 4TH insult, "talking snakes," 10.
middlekk: I can quote the Book of the Dead, the Koran, the Labors of Hercules and a wide range of other mythological accounts of mankind.
Doesn't make them any more real than your book of myths.
Emotional maturity doesn't appear to be your strong suit. I guess that's to be expected given your demonstrated lack of intellectual rigor.
rationalmuscle: (Jhndeweb, I must admit you've done a nice job of (nothing personal) fancy footwork to make the stories mesh. Just a few flaws...
// The god of Earth, Satan, orchestrated the crucifixion //
This is contrary to the teachings of both Jesus and Paul. Paul clearly says that this was planned from the beginning by God.
// Ebola virus is "dark art" of a satanic nature. //
Show me one passage where Satan "creates". // No sickness there! // Yet rebellion (see Lucifer)?
3. Was a joke. ; )
Genesis 11:7 Come, LET US go down & confuse their language so they will not understand each other."
VERSE 8: So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, & they stopped building the city.
VERSE 9: That is why it was called Babel -because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
VERSE 7: "LET US," reveals the Trinity. God is "One" in unity, as a husband & wife are one.
Gen 11:1; 4,6 Now the whole world had one language & a common speech.
Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves & not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." But the Lord came down to see the city & the tower that the men were building. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
middlekk: You're a moron.
Really. If you believe the whole Babel thing, you're a bigger idiot than those retards who believe in talking snakes.
God is an Artist, not a scientist. Science reveals His artistry. Hypothesis begins with faith, or a supposition called theory. Ironically, faith is required to explain the tangible & intangible.
Vibrations from the Big Bang exist on a space-time continuum, pointing to the Creator, as a fingerprint or signature. He is the One Who instigated the first "bang," saying, "Let there be light." Words were the substance He used to create that light, & faith gave those words substance.
Any ?'s (-:
rationalmuscle: just a few:
1. Which god? There are more than a few floating about the books of days gone by you know...
2. Do you claim that the ebola virus is 'art'? If so, please explain.
3. If God spoke, which language did he speak? Just curious as I prefer French.
1. There are two Gods, The God of Heaven, & the god of Earth. The god of Earth, Satan, orchestrated the crucifixion, but the God of Heaven, the Resurrection. Rising from the dead resolves "which god!"
2. Ebola virus is "dark art" of a satanic nature. "Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is IN HEAVEN," was Jesus' prayer. No sickness there! Capisce?
3. God speaks the language of the spirit. Jhn 4:24 "God is spirit, & His worshipers must worship in spirit & in truth."
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