Agricultural scientist. Born of slave parents:
He developed more than 300 products from the peanut (including Peanut Butter), 175 from the sweet potato, and 60 from the pecan. He also invented crop rotation. In 1927, he invented a process for producing paints and stains from soybeans.
Although he did hold 3 patents, Carver never patented most of the many discoveries he made while at Tuskegee, saying "God gave them to me, how can I sell them to someone else?"
Imagine moving at the speed of thought, knowing the answer to every question instantly, never forgetting a name, & no miscommunication. How nice to eat or rest for pleasure ,& not necessity. This does not compare to the "70 jealous virgin" scenario of whoremonging imposters. Read Revelation again.
Believers have a grounded approach to their faith just like scientists. If what we say about God can not be backed by scriptural proof, then we are obliged to say "in my opinion."
Pachuco: Yes, and here's the critical difference: if a scientist's opinion is peer reviewed and found to be incorrect beyond a reasonable doubt, then he or she will concede that they are incorrect, or at least acknowledge other possibilities and take it back to research. A christian, on the other hand, will hold on to his opinion for dear life, like a security blanket, and consider no other opinion, evidence or no.
A scientist will concede and reconsider, a christian will only ever "agree to disagree."
Now, now! Pachuco,
If my name ended with a "v" you would say, "what a genius." Instead, you are displaying the very logic that has hung around since the beginning of time, excuse me, the beginning of evolution. You slight the conversation to make yourself sound enlightened. Ego, ego, ego!
If I was going the wrong way I hope my friends would say so. Would I listen? Would you? Are you my friend? Have I ever met you? So, why lump me into your cloistered mind to suit your conscience then?
If you're truly scientific, get out of the grandstands & onto the field.
Suggestion Pachuco,
Relieve someone of their suffering. First, you need an idea. May I humbly suggest you peruse the Bible, if only to find a pathway for your imagination to pursue.
Unless you imagine it, you can never discover it. Try reading the Book of Revelation for ideas. Meanwhile, I'll see you in "the unseen," where the last frontier of discovery awaits, unless you don't BELIEVE it's there.
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