Unity or Diaspora: Where Is The Peace of Islam? Somalia, Sharia, Al-Shabaab
Islamist militiamen have chopped off the right hand and left foot of four teenagers accused of robbery in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
The "cross-amputation" was ordered by a court set up by the radical al-Shabaab group, which is accused of links to al-Qaida and is trying to overthrow Somalia's weak transitional government.
"We have carried out this sentence under the Islamic religion and we will punish like this everyone who carries out these acts," said Sheikh Ali Mohamud Fidow, an al-Shabaab official. The extreme punishment will be viewed with alarm and disgust by most people in Somalia a traditionally moderate Muslim country where many men chew the narcotic leaf qat and women usually cover their heads but not their faces.
Lacking clear political goals, the insurgents are trying to forcibly install stricter Wahhabi Islam, which has roots in Saudi Arabia. Al-Shabaab courts have previously ordered single-limb amputations and executions in the southern city of Kismayo, but today's punishment in Mogadishu highlights the group's recent territorial gains.
The four male victims were found guilty of stealing mobile phones and other goods earlier this week. Several hundred people in the capital's Sukahola neighbourhood, which is controlled by the militia group, gathered to watch the amputations.
Witnesses reported that two hooded men applied tourniquets to the accused teenagers' arms and legs before using curved-blade knives to sever their hands and feet. The screaming victims were then taken away by ambulance.
Al-Shabaab and other hard line Islamist groups have stepped up their attacks against the government in Mogadishu in recent weeks, causing at least 159,000 people to flee since 7 May, according to the UN. Hundreds of people have been killed.
Last week the insurgents assassinated the city's police chief, while an al-Shabaab suicide bomber killed the Somali security minister and at least 20 other people in the town of Beledweyne, north of the capital.
Islam is not a political movement!
The early leaders of the Muslim nation following Muhammad's (570632) death were called "Khalifat Rasul Allah", means the political successors to the messenger of God (referring to Muhammad).
Islam is not a religious movement!
Diaspora: To scatter throughout
Chet Atkins - Stars And Stripes Forever
Soundstage, 1978
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